על הקשר בין תזונה רוחנית לבין השגת חוויה ישירה של האלוהות. טיהור הגוף והמחשבה באמצעות תזונה מסייע בהסרת המכשולים בחווית האלוהות באופן סובייקטיבי.
As consciousness expands beyond the mind, we have to give up all philosophy. We must become the thoughts of the Divine, because if God is not thinking the thoughts, using that limited metaphor, how can the thinker be comprehending the thought? Can the eye see itself? Can the ear hear itself? Just as we can`t see our own eye, because the eye is the source of seeing, so we can`t know God, because God is the source of knowing. So, how do we know God? The first step is to expand consciousness to the point where we can let go of our demand to have a comprehensive concept in our minds. We have to let go of trying to understand Yah in terms of time, space, and beingness, and know God not as an object of our mind, but as the subject of our experience.
Thus, to know God, we have to be quiet. In the Essene teachings, this is the number one principle, which is the teaching of Enoch, "Be still and know I am That." Although we can`t know God as an object of thought, we can experience Yah as the subject of all thought. This is why we meditate, so we can experience the paradox of being known by God, which, in essence, is knowing the "I AM THAT" awareness by becoming the eye that sees and the ear that hears. This, in essence is the deep witness state, in which we know God experientially, by experiencing being known by God. It is prior to the "I AM" consciousness or beingness. Self-realization is the more permanent stabilization in the "I AM THAT" awareness.
This is not a concept. It is an experience. It is the awareness that nothing else exists but the Divine presence, prior to "I AM" consciousness and prior to time, space and being. This is what I mean when I use the term "light being." The light is always there. The light is pouring into us. We are filled with light. The only difference is when we are limited in our consciousness, when our mind is running amok with all kinds of thoughts of worries about past, present and future, the mind absorbs all the light into the ego structure and we cannot access this experience of the God light within.
Spiritual Nutrition is about how to enhance the natural pathway where we can be open to the subjective experience of the Divine. What we eat affects our consciousness. What we eat or don`t eat allows us to become superconductors of the Divine. The experience of the Divine is blocked by the heaviness of a mind and the heaviness of our body. With a few exceptions because there are always exceptional people who can transcend this; there may be one in a million or ten million people.
By purifying our physical body and mind, we are able to take away the blocks to the direct experience of the light within us. This way we are able to have the direct experience of ourselves as light beings, as it was divinely designed. The light is there. The light is the unbroken awareness of I AM THAT. We realize we are not body, mind, being complexes seeking God or unity, but the unbroken awareness expressing our highest potential as light beings in this third dimensional dual universe.
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